St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

,1 I i 1 ti gmtis gaik Saturliilt 15, the guests of their reiatives. Rot. and Mn. D. V.

stevehs. oaturday till Thursday. 'hat is Nvbx, 3 winter and spring months in Mayfield. game home fa aturday. Mn.

Fre, finrnett and Mins CoraJackson. who hab boon sojourning at Hot t-prings. the guest of Mrs. J. J.

Walker. returned home 'friday. monk? VIIIIXOX. Clara Holems.of FairlialsLylsitad limit. P.

Lewis last week. Miss Grace Plummer Is visiting L. A. Browning. in Marion.

Mrs. John F. Crackel Is tho guest of hal niOther. sirs. John Pickering, in (Mayville.

1Miss May'mie Smith. of Princeton, Is the pima of her aunt. Mrs. boi Howard. Miss Kate Gowenioes has gone tp is CenteT, for an extended visit with her brother.

Miss Effie Casey. of Larn'ed. is enjoying a visit with her many relatives and friends in tnis city and vicinity. State Auditor Pavey. with his wife and children, are enjoying a two weeks' vacakton among the lakes of Minnesota.

Arista Burton attended the commencement exercises of the Southern Lancia Normal at Carbondale, this week. 1 'lliss Fannie Jarrett attended the COMMenCOMOIli exercises of Hayward College. at Fairfield, last week, and was the guest of miss Cora Clark. Miss Anna Strattan gave a "conundrum 'party" to the Pastime Club at her home last Thursday evening. The features of the evening'S entertainment was the awarding of Cooper's works" to the person guessing the most conundrums.

1 marrOON. Mrs. D. H. Winger is visiting at Paris, KY.

Mrs. Scott Pinnell, of Kansas. is guest of Mn. F. C.

Coitus. Miss Lou Francis has returned Irons a visit with Chicago friends. i Mrs. J. A.

Mulford. of Chicago, is a guest of Mattoon friends. I Misses Stella and Dunlap are guests of friends at Dixon. i IMrs. NV, Strader was a guest of Champaign friends the past week.

1 Mrs. P. Dl Stoke' has returned trout a three weeks' visit iti Indiana. I IMiss Cora Alsbulor visited in Torre Haute, and Sullivan, tile past, week. Caltin Austin and Wife.

of Salem. H. Ir. were guests of liattoon friends. Sunday.

1 I --Miss Maggie Gover and Mrs. Lizzie Frieze, of Zanesville. O. are visitors at the residence of relatives in this city. Miss Rost Moorel, of Lake Marquette.

Miss Lizzie Tarbell, of Mavnard. and Miss liattie Johnston of Charleston. have been added as teachers Mt vocal' music. elocution and art la Mattoon Conservatory of Music. i TrCialiaM.

Castor's is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants i and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor I other Narcotic substance. It is a -harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing and Castor .311. It is Pleasant.

Its guarantee is thirty years' use by 1. Millions 'of Mothers. CastoriA destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents Sour. Curd, cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic.

Castoria relieves I teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. 1 Castoria, Assimilates the food, 1 regulates the stomach' and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep toria is the Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend. ant stay with 11 Wilber relatives hers. hes returned 1 1 home. ouggsvit.t.z.

Miss Anna Hutchinson is. home from Ark. Atom Emilia Yocum has returnatl trout a long stay Miss Grace Henning was part Of this week with Greenville Joseph Swthdt end Mrs. BilturY Grnhe are Visi- ting Carlyle friends. Mamie and Kittle Clayfelter.

of Hillsbort). are of Miss Mamie Harris. and Mrs. Ward Reid have gone td8t. beta.

Prince Edward's Island, to spend the summer. The Ladies' 8baksnearan Club met Wednesday eveuing at the residence of Mrs. W. A. Nortbuott.

A large number of guests wire present. A Sue programme was rendered by the club and au elegans luncheon served. ALBION. 1 Mrs. Nathan Smith is visiting tfre.

Maggie Stan-lei at Greencastle. Ind. I Miss Gilkinson. of Friendsville. is the guest of her sister, Mrs.

Edgar Hodgson. Miss Ada Stewart went to Tamaroa Wednesday to visit the family of Mr. Ezra Woods. Miss Ida Reid has returned from where sue has been the past nine months. Mrs.

George Colyer. Mrs, F. A. West and Miss Eliza Bunting have spenUthe week with friends in Carbondale. Mrs.

Fankhouser, of Liberty. was entertained by her Mrs. Woods sod Mrs. Brandon, the first of the week. Mrs.

Victor Karcher and four children and Miss Theresa Karrher are spending several weeks with relatives at Brookville. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.

Allen. Mrs. Thos. S. Ridgway and Miss Ida returned from Chicago Wednesday.

Misses Mabel and Ida Bair accompanied them. and will visit here for several weeks. A party of fortv excursionists from Nokomis took the steamer Bonanza at this point for Cincinnati Monday. They were joined here by Mrs. L.

F. Treinly and two children. Miss Grace Philo. and 3lesbrs. Crush Townshend.

Guy Loomis. Charles Burnett. Jo makes, Sam Boyd, Jo Bowen and Giles Millspaugh. The Nokomis party Is under the direction of Prof. B.

Davis, principal Of the school of that place. MUBPILYSBORO Mary Alexander is the guest of Anna friends. Mrs. Harriet Foster was the guest of Mrs. J.

B. Mayhem. Miss Jennie Hodge is home again from a visit to Ora relatives. Miss Lilly Howard has returned from a short stay with Jonesboro friends. Miss Mettle McGahey arrived home Wednesday after an enjoyable two weeks' visit with Cairo relatives.

Mr. B. Thorn and wife. of Nashville. have returned home.

after being entertained by Mrs. Dr. W. T. Ingrain for a week.

CARLYLE. I Mrs. G. W. Krebs, of St.

Louis, spent the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lambrecht Visisted Mrs.

L. Hirschfeld this Weeit Mrs. S. Pincus is visiting friends in St. Louis.

he will remain two weeks. Mrs. M. Kniztit, of SandovaLvisited her mother, Mrs. S.

Nichols, this week. Miss Celia Irish bas returned from Jacksonville where she has been attending school. 1 Miss Anne Beattie has returned from a month's visit with P. Nissey. of Rolls.

hlo. he was accompanied by Miss Lulu Gordon. WHITE HALL. Miss Mae Potts is in Mrs. W.

P. Bates was at Godfrey Tuesday. 1--Mrti. J. Cholvin went to Si.

Louts Tuesday. Maimie Strong was in arr011ton Tuesday. Lizzie Bran4e1 went to Carrollton Tueidav. Miss Minnie Griswold was in Jacksonville last week. The Misses Stasis.

of Roodhouse, were here Tuesday. I Mrs. D. C. Banta.

a former resident of this city now of Fort Scott, is calling on friends and relatives here. CARME. Miss Nellie Nevitt it at Rockport. With relatives. Mrs.

J. J. Parker making a brief stay with relatives at Obey. Mrs. Jennie Rupp, of Evansville.

is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. LI Griffin. I Miss Annie Robinson.

Of Owensville, is the guess of her sister, Mrs. E. L. pritchett. i Mrs.

1. Funs, of Mount Vernon. InilY is spend- ing a few days with her sister, Airs. M. Biaskie.

Mrs. M. Patton and Mrs. F. W.

Patton, of Mount Vernon. are the guests of the family k'. Wi Patton. i Kansas. LEAVENWORTH.

I' Miss Nellie Richards is the guest Mrs. B. E. Eartman. at Wichita.

1 1 Mrs. George Combs will leave melt week on a visit tO friends in New York. Mrs. II. P.

Earl has returned from it sojourn of several weeks at Excelsior Mrs. Col. Young left this week for St. Paul. to spend the summer with her sister.

-ialii. Mrs. E. E. Wilson, of Kansas vistted her mother.

Mrs. J. A. Holderman. during Ms past I Mrs.

Maj. Lang and eon. 'Olive. leave tie latter part of the mouth for San Diego. to spend the summer.

Mrs. E. C. Davis and Mr. and Mrs.

Geo. Early; left Wednesday for a sojourn of a few weeks at Ex- i cetsior springs. 1 i Hon Thos. P. Fenton has returned from Sbuth! Bend, accompanied by nis lately widowed mother.

who will hereafter reside here, Mrs. J. W. Fogier and little son left Wednesday! for Skowhegan, to spend the mummer with her parents. Hon.

Beupuin Baker and Dr. Van Eman and brother. IMr. W. H.

Stacy. left this week on a visit to their mother ati Rural Hill, Jefferson County. Newyork. Mr. and liessenmueller wore to leave Thursday, in company with Mrs.

Scheldt. for Cleveland. sin route for their, futre looms in Ch i- cago. --Mr. and Mrs.

McCown 'Hunt have arrived home from Darlington. Wis. where they were married last 'week at the home the bridet Mis Emma Gor, Min. '1 Micil Emma Smith of O. who has, been ViPiting the family of her uncle.

Mr. E. Davis, left SVeduesday On a visit to other relatives, at roll City. Neb. I I.

I I Judge Brewers accompanied by hie family. left! Monday by special car for NJ anitou. Colo. The fam-i fly wild return in about a mouth but the, Judge will remain to visit other points. 1 1 Among the-people from this city Who will leave during the month for Europe are: Hon.

Len Smith. wife and daughter. Airs. W. TA Hewitt, and husband; ex-Senator Caldwell and wile.

Hon. A. A.1 Fenn and family, and Mr. Fred Harvey and family.1 Mr. W.

S. of been the guest of his sister. Mrs. George during the k. wee His marriage to bliss pcira Wmiliouse daughter of the "Apple King" of Fair ount.

is an pounced for the 26th inst. at the home of the bride. The happy couple will reside in Lawrence. Among the relatives from abroad eho attended the wedding of Mr. Edward L.

Hassenmueller, of Chicago. and Miss 'Ada J. Few. of this city, on last Nt ednesday evening. were: Mr.

and Mrs. Ben blor-, gam of Kansas City. and sirs. John Coulter, of Chi, cam). brother-in-law and sister of the bride.

and Mrs. Emily of Cleveland. 0.. Meter of the groom. i I bliss Katie Blunt and mother have been visiting friends in Sedalia during the week.

Further East they will meet Mrs. tillipatrick and proceed to New York. where they will be joined by Gilimstrick about toe 20th lust when the entire party will tail for Europe. Col. and Mrs.

Gillpatrick will return in October. but Miss Biunt will remain abroad to study music. settling down with her tiler at some point in 1,, ilt The Misses Georgette eind Annie Halderman. who arrived at New York from Paris a few days since. ell route for home, will Visit cousin, Mr.

Walter U. Haldeman. of the Courier-Journal at Louisville, their Mrs. A. A.

alasher; at St. Louis. and also their sister, Mrs. E. E.

'Wilson, at Kansas City. They will return to school at the close of the vacation, accompanied by their mother. Mrs. J. A.

lialderman. i wicl*tTA. 1 I Mrs. E. Parish is home again from Kansas City, Mo.

I Miss Fannie Freeman is visiting friends in gots, Ind, 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bunnell have returned front Kearney.

Neb. I 1 --Mrs. of Omaha. is etaying with friends in this city. i 1, Miss N.

Gilbert. of Ganda Springs, is the guest of bliss Rose Westgate. I I Mrs. E. E.

Dewey and family ar spending the summer months in Michigan. Mrt. E. J. Foster has gone to Chicago, where sh expects to spend the summer.

1 I Mrs. G. lkii. McFerran is dispenSing hospi talit to Mrs. S.

Frost. of Itipiey. O. I Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Alien have returned from a visit among ttle Eastern ales. 1 Mrs. J. E. Aobinson.

of El Dorado, I staying with Mrs. V. E. Appleby. 1 aBtebtohlaunz College, Topeka Miss Carrie Sweet.

a late guest of Miss Baliancs has left for her home xl Mrs. S. M. Deering.

of Denison, is spend- ing the summer with hirs. bun th. 1 EIL Mrs. Perry Rood Is at home agai after a ton months absence In Vincennes. Intl.

1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen have returned from a visit among taco Eastern cities. 1 Mrs. J.

E. Robinson. of El Dorado, I staying with Mrs. V. E.

Appleby. isnrelsiDngorhaeMr voaocdastloonf alltebtohlaunz, College, Topeka I Miss Carrie Sweet. a late guest of Miss Balleuee has left for her home in Chiclgo. Mrs. S.

AL Deering. of Denison, is spend- ing the summer with hire. Smith. 1 1 Mrs. Perry Hood is at home again, after a ton months' absence in Vincennes.

Intl. 1 party Twitchy night. a which progressive whist and a tine Winnows wars the special teaturs. IMrs. C.

U. Brown wit. or the Wabash tictee agent. is In Ch.eago. and will go toenee to WW1- spoils.

Minns to remain during the summer. 1-11iss Annie Leibey bss returned to Circleville. Miss Anna Berry, the leading soprano of 1) tatur, he gone to Aaron, 4A, to remain during the it r. muter. i I 1 CAIRO.

I i Miss ShleMs. oti Weinut street. entertained the toChettnot Club" 'ednestiay tivening. itMrs. IL IL Canoes is spending a short Season thigh her sister, Mrs.

Bayley near Louisville. Ky. 1 il Miss El. Reed. who has been attending rba1 at Xvalliston, ILL is home to spend vacation.

Mrs. Annie Redman I aaa a next week for Louie. "ale. to spend a season wan Idrs. J.

Bayley. 1Mrs. Norton Renfrew left Wednesday to remain tivbEe with friends end relatives in Elizabeth. -Mrs. 'N.

V. Hughes, of TA Salle, is the guest of 1 the family of her brother. kir. S. Y.

Wash- Allston -1 1 1 1 -Mr. and V.A. Paul G. Schuh lett Thursday after- gra for eahlotulls. Where they will remain travel- several weeks.

1, 1 1 Sun. Wright, of Memphis'. lister-In-law to W. P. HalCsay, spent a few lidure in the city a route to Memphis Sunday.

I -Mrs. R. H. Rogers, wife of Prof. Rogers, of the JtghIaiid Military Institute, Is the guest of her tscer.

Mrs. W. N. Butler. i -Mrs.

T. G. Rixforg. of Centralia. accomPaniel I by her granddaliguter.

Mass Dot Piuk. is visiting Ley dauptbrer. Mrs. Will R. Tialliday.

of TwentP, eighth tiree I i- 'H Mrs. enry, Hallidy' a We ber daughters, Misse iia end Laura. on their return from Packer Instis i lute. Brooklyn. at Chicago Friday.

returniug borne Saturday. The yowls ladies will spend their vane- Lion bore Shia summer. 1 I -Mrs, Witham Johnson. nee Sdiss Mamie Bennett. I entertained a party of young ladle and gentlemen evdiling.

the gentm leen eing attendants 1 bon the cherming hostess at tier Eluding recently'. l' L'Ihe Dart! eusSraced the Misses 111guld Rittenhouse, Lentz. Birdie Orr and Lucy'Gray and INIessrs. 'Hanco*ck. C.

Halliday, John W. i Isnolseo and sseorge Cooly. i I i i I 1 I isits3.tivviii,X, tt 1 -4-N ir's. J. A.

Tack-et ties returned from a brief visit With selatives In Ndestae.d. Anita Barnet. of Bunker BID. was enter- Seined by friends here last week. 1.

-Sir. atid Mrs. W. C. Tacket entertainea the past week alr.

and Mrs. Ed C. Tacket. of Raymond. I I -Miss Melillo Hooper has returned from Jackson.

graduate of the Jacksonville Female College. 1 -Mrs. W. B. trdwnsend and daughter, Nellie, I Were in Taylorville, Tuesday, Visiting Airs.

Edmund lEssiley. I I l' 'Myrtle Westervelt. of Fairbury. returned home Wednesday she having spent a month with friends' here. i 4-Mre.

B. T. Stillwell departed Wednesday for her' dine it St.Louis, alter spending a fortnight with riende here. I I 1-Mks Anna, Knecht left this' meek for Terre Where she will spend several weeks with her 1 sister. Mrs.

Ilea-, tI- I -Miss Ada Webster has returned from a briet So- Journ in Bloomington. where she was ntertained bY Mrs. lioinies. II -Mrs. W.

C. dienden and faintly left this week lot Nilo ark. N.J.. to spend the summer with her sis- i ter. Sim.

English. 1 '-Mt. and Mrs. Powers departed Tuesday for 1 Bloeum Igloo, where they will he entertained by 'their limey friends and relatives. -Miss Edna Buck is home again.

She has spent i the nest Six weeks in Palestine, with her 'young triend. Miss Fannie 1 M. Dickson having spent the vast month as the gnest of her friend, Mrs. J. B.

Isenberg re-, urned Wednesday to her home in Fairileid. 1 C. S. Woodward. Miss EV Conn an Misr Bertha nail departed Tuesday for Savannah, to spend We summer with the tawny of A.

B. Laucey.I 1-4i1 11 1 1 i SALEM. ir -Mrs. Dr. T.

J. Green visited friends In Sandoval this week 1 1 -Mrs. B. W. Grunendike visited friende In Con' trails this -Nliss Alice ('aldwell.

of Foster, visited friends here i -Mrs. J. B. Porter visited relatives and friends at 1 Lebanon ii.niday. -Mrs.

It: Vandenburgh, of Kansas City. Is the guest of 3irs. S. Chance. i i i.t.

t), W. Ifolstlaw, of Ma, was entertained Tuesday by 3.1rs. G. IL VI ebster. -Mrs: Nora Seward.

nee Chandler, was the guest I 'Wedn! esday of 1. -Mrs. B. C. of Sandoval.

was the guest last Ilriday It Mrs. Clarence Mills. 1 i 1 -NI as Josh. Shultz has gone to Hocipestown, where -1 will soend the summer with her buster. Airs.

J. 3. Mclerren. i -Sirs. E.

K. Porter, aftim a pleasant visit bore of several weeks Willi friends rOturnint to her home Au tarbosotale Ji ommy eveutug. 4 J. P. MuzzY attil daughter.

'Miss Anna. of Wii-litta. Eau ate visiting Mr, L. Miss Humphrey and others lit this city. -sit S.

Lulu lititl. Mrs. Ella Miss Laura Myers and Siisses Dora and Berrie Siartin. attended the COH1111011Coilletit at Carbondaie this i-Miss Mamie Martin returned Tnursday from Vittzenties, where she had been visiting the 'amity of I Martin fur several weeks. she NVAS acttoni- home by her cousin.

Miss Nellie Martin. who Pilil be the guest ut Miss anti ether 'Ives anti friends I I I CARLINVILL1. Daisy 'Preston. 'of Shipman, is visiting Mist, tiod I --Sirs. Henry Corn.

of Wichita. la the guest of re Bi aulIllalerd. Decatur. ca-tur. Its th it.

it' gilt her lati -Niles Edith Potter. of Brighton. is the guest of Mist ettle lobetson. mrvs. es 1 1 sister.

Mrs kilen Johnson. -Mrs. Mary Achilles. of St. Louis.

is the guest of t- Burgdoff and family. Annie Charleston, is being enter-, 1 tamed by Miss Alice titlark. I hell Otwell is attending the commencement szorcises iu Jacksonville this week, -Mrs. David returned from a visit with her sisters at Athens Wednesday evening. -1Migs 'Minnie Wohlers and Miss Lena Hanker.

of T01010. are visiting as C. J. Liubrock's. --fMrs.

W', it. fl000paw and daughter have re- turned a visit in southern I rout --lNirs. Bowers has returned home after a weets's visit with friends In Sprinzlielsi i 1 -Mits. II.1... Bellemer has returned home after a two weeks' visit with friends in Springfield.

Jeanie Jerauld. of Vanaalla is visiting I Rose 3IcCord during commencement week. 4-Miss Max Wilcox. of Virden. and Miss Ed Henry.

of acksdurg, Miss are tile guests of Mrs. W. L. Mounts, terzit ALTON. i .1 Vannie Draper is sojourning svith relatives in Malvern.

Ark. -MI. A. F. Sloper has gone to Malone.

to 3ot her littsband, Gertrude S. Pease has gone to QUII1CY. bar siptuddhe Vatiation. 1 Leph Newman. of Virden.was the 'guest of Mrs.

Sophia Edwards last sunday. --Miss Nettie Mount Carroll. is here visiting her brother. Hannan M. tiriggs. i Mamie Taggart has returned to her home hero. after wending the winter in Carthage, teaching. I -Miss Ada Chapman and Miss Irene Leverett. of Edwardsville.

were guests of itliss Bertha Wright $lits week. Convery. of St. Louis, is spending this week with her parents here, Air. ant.

airs. Henry Loehr. -Misset Belle and Sally Bandy are being enter; teined by Miss Lulu Sturgeon at 4001 Nunn Broadway. st. '4 ilr.

Homer Judd and daughters, 'Misses llaysitti Miunte, have WM, to Leadville to petod the summ 1 er. I i -Sir. an Mrs. John Leverett witnessed the lay: tug of the 4.0,CHel,SI000 of the new Monticello intory last TUesday at Godfrey, I 1 -Mrs. H.

II. Stookey and daughter, Mire thidt1le.1 attended the graduating exercises of Lindenwood St. Charles. Sim, last I I 1 I MARSHALL. 1 1 1 IL AnnaMitchell returned home from Ealrfleld ask '1 uesday.

olOSFie Brooks WaS the guess of Casey lives iast i i -Si iss Kate snydor is in Brazil, the guest of Miss Hannah Slatthels. -biro. V. -D. ttorham.

of Springfield, la -visiting her nunierous relatives i --NI tic NPAI and wife. of Eoitland. have been spending i few days bore with relatives. --Mrs. A.

E. Lynn was the guest of her daughter. kirk. Au Terre Haute. -Mrs.

A. J. McDaniel has gone to I i I to, spend several mouths with her mother. Chita. Kittle and wile, of 'Princeton.

N. are ll Via! Lilo their many rotative' and old friutio It l' Frankie Martin has been spending days in Terre ilaut with her cousin, Mrs. Thatcher arker it! I 1 1 itt -Miss Henry Ruttz, of Indianapolis, is here for a law weeks' sojourn with her parents. J. L.

Rector ll and s' I W. Coffman and wife, of Woodstol i hav been spetWing two weeks or more Wit 1. Zeii and wiie. 1, Mrs. L.

S. Kilbortf, returned. from a tWo-weeks' sojourn with relatives tu liesw ea. layette awl Lindeu. lad.

I Drgt-OIN. Lena Schiele was entertained by friends In Pinckneyville the past week. 1 Mrs. J. Add Ilickens is entertaining her Mamie Chase.

of Ashley. 1 i I Aliases Ella Brookings, Beulah Pone and Genie ere home from college, ft. E. Blaney Is entertaining her friend, Miss Jenel K. Jackson.

of Benton. -oiliss Annie Young, of Indiana. Is visiting iliany: friends in tills ally and Si. Bennie Browning. of Benton.

Is visiting bor. slater. Mrs; Dan M. Ward. ot this place.

John Weinberg anAlitiss Katie Weinberg' returned this seek from a itrAl with Ave friends. i Julia A. Smith has returned to ner home here from au extended sojourn in Battle Creek, Atich. Mrs. Mooneybam.

of Brayeeld, visited Mrs. A. beally. Mrs. T.

B. Kelly and other relatives in ,0,18 et tj nal week. Mn. Lucy Driemeyer Is vistting relative In 'Pinckneyville Allis week, and Nit 1L return to her; home iu Chicago next week. Chase returned to her home in Ashley Tues-! day evening, Wafter a short stall with her daugliter.

Mrs. B. A. Brown, of this city. Miss Little Parks returned to her home, In this city.

this week. having completed a collegiate course and gradustie4 front the bouthern Illinois normal et earbondaie. 1 1 I Mrs. J. B.

Cbsoman is visiting friends In Car1 knidaie tills week. i 1- Miss Norab Smith, of Morphysboro. was this past of Miss lanais lbroginartin last week. Miss Pio me Evanston, of Bichy few, is being itit*artained by her friend Miss Carrie Kuykeudall. 1 1 malls rattail Looney.

who lias boon spending she i I Townsend, of Shelbyville. were entertained Tuesday by Mrs. Edmond Keay and landly. Mrs. J.

1. Berner. of Pane. visited friends here this week. Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas E. McCaskill ore In dheibyville the IMO el ths W. has returned from Sparta. Clare Brown is the guest of Mrs.

Dr. R. Z. Farris. Mn.

P. O'Donnel has been the guest of Mrs. Nonninger. Mrs. C.

Hess. of Chicago. Is 'Visiting the family of C. Nordling. Miss Flora Halo has boon Visiting it CartorVille and Carbondale.

Miss Carrie Pririceof Lincoln. spent Wednesday with Mn. J. Hale. Misses Mary AIOXBIldflr, Lillie Howard and Ger- tie and Ethel Brown visited here lasS week.

MissGertis Ames. who has been sojourning with Miss Amy Kirkpatrick. has returned to eft. Louis. Mrs.

George Clark, of Cobden. spent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B.

F. Mangold, las yetis. kiltritOPOLJE Bettie Brown has returned from Paducah. The Misses Cozies have returned to their 'home in Cairo. I Miss Lillian Jones has returned from' a visit to Kansas.

1 Miss Eatti Arrison, of Cairo. has been visiting friends here. The Christian Sunday-school enjoyed a picnic Saturday at the Fair Grounds. Quite a crowd of Paducah people came down to atteud the concert Friday Misses Alice Brauer and Ruth Thrift will leave Saturday for Topeka. to visit frienus and.relatives.

Miss Laura Kirkham. who has been teaching our public schools, left --Saturday tor her home in Grand Tower. The young ladies of the "Kookine Klub', will give a lawn social on the Court House grounds Thursday evening for the benefit of Metropolis Band. 1 Maggie Eastonooy is visiting in Nokomis. Mrs.

Dr. Higgins visited in hit. Loilis Wednesday. Miss Lucy Bassett spent last week with friends in Pans. Miss Hattie Moys has gone to Valtiaralso to attend college.

Miss Belle Abernethy has returned from Fort Collins. Colo. Miss Mande Haller has gone to Nunda. N. to spend tbe summer.

Mrs. Elite Laudon was here from Bloomington last Wednesday visitiug friends. I I --Mrs. Nat; Darston has returned from protracted visit to relatives in.Chi go. F.

Emeriti and Mrs. N. Pitkin, attended commenceinent exercises at ylackburn University. Carlinville. Wednesday and 'iIiirsday.

i bliss Gertrude Vest. the guest of Hon. B. W. Henry and faintly the past two weeks.

returned to her home in Pittsburg, Pa. last Monday. LEBANON. Miss Emma Ford, of Carlyle, is Visiting Mrs. Emma Hoffman.

Mrs. Farmer. of Covington. is visiting Mrs. William Brownlee.

Miss Katie Blanck is entertaining Miss Bessie Thomas, of O'Falion. Mrs. John Porter. of Salem, visited friends and relatives here recently. Mrs.

Stephen Bailey is entertaining Mrs. Wesley Bailey. of Fairbury, Neb. Miss Fannie Caswell, of Nashville, is the guest of Mrs. J.

F. Webb. Miss Nona Burlingame, of St. Louis. Is spending a few days with Miss Emma Creme.

Misses Mary and Marina Dickson have returned from the Illinois Female College at Jacksonville. Mrs. Metcalf and daughter. Edith. of Edwardsville; Miss Oilie Sisson.

of Otterville. and bliss Winnie Pieper. of Belleville. sitended the DicksonDeneen wedding. CENTRALIA.

Mrs. Hibbard Hall has gone to Kansas. Miss Pella Parkinson haa arrived home from Mount Carmel. Ada Welmore has gone to Nokomis for a visit witn friends. Mrs.

F. D. Rexford and Miss Dot Pink are visiting friends at Cairo. Miss Cora Row has gone to Normal to spend a few weeks at school. Mrs.

Roberts. of Olney," Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. 14. Bell.

Miss Daisy Sehindler has returned home from' Kansas City, accOmpanied by Mrs. Goodrich. Mrs. Harvey and daughter. Cora.

of Norfolk. are visiting Mrs. W. B. Resbacii.

Mrs. Chas. Blair, having returned from a trip to Nashville, is spending a few days in St. Louis. BUNKBEI HILL.

Miss Mary Dickle is enjoying a visit to Mrs. E. Jewett, in Bower's Mills, Mo. Alderman Wise entertained Wm" 11. Hill and Wife, of East St.

Louis. Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. -Jacoby.

of Brignton were Sunday sojourners at City Treasurer Jacoby's. Miss Julia C. Dixon has returned home. She taught in the Kansas City schools the past term. Miss Annie Helmkamp has returned to tier home in Madison County, after a visit here with her sister.

Mrs. J. T. Kelley. i I 1 1 Miss Kittle Grinnell is a guest nt her Allster.

Mrs. O. F. McKinney. The young lady handles the keys in the telegraph, office in Pittsfield.

Mrs. J. B. and bliss Hannah Case were entertained recently by ex-Mayor Fletcher's family. Miss Fannie E.

Fletcher accompanied them upon their return to their home in St. Louis. Miss Jennie Nelson has returned to her home at Red Bud. Mrs. Dr.

Guthrie visited friends at Coultersville last week. Miss Georgia Powers, of Chester is here. visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. S.

Frazier. of Lebanon is Spending a few days here with relatives. Annie Wylie. of Jersey city, N. is here, the guest of Miss Joins Booth.

Adam liussel.of Connersville. spent Thursday of last week here withfriends. Lucretia Bradshaw, who has been visiting her daughter at Charleston. is noms again. Mrs.

Mary Wilson is in Chester' this week, visiting her granddaughters, Miss Maine blesh*t and Mrs. Will Pinclierton. CHESTER. MISS EIHIb Neville has gone to Omaha. to spend the summer.

spend the suinmer. i Prof. and Mrs. T. B.

Green law have gone to Flora to spend the summer. I moist. disagreeable day the ladles' Pentecost picuic last Moudav. i Mrs. Horace Baker.

of Cairo, is the guest of her parents, aud Mrs: Postal. Mrs. IL P. ThoMpson returned last Saturday from a visit to relatives at Sparta and Mrs. Mary J.

Seger has gone to St. Louis to see her sons, Thomas and Joseph Steer. bhe will remain several Miss Bessie Mitchell, who ha i been the guest of Mrs. W. W.

Brown. for a month fast, has returned to her home at Cleveland, O. The ladies of the M. E. Church gave a berry and and ice cream festival, on th Court House lawn.

Friday evening. with nattering financial results. WINCHESTER. I Mrs. Wm.

Estes, of Lewistown, departed for Dome Thursday. Miss Maud Berger, of Pittsfield-, is the guest of her uncle, A. Biernbrauer. i Misses Lily and Pearl Bowen and Miss Mary, Haigh are visiting relatives in lialesourg. Mrs.

Ann Crum and daughter Lida, of Arens-vine, came down Tuesday on a visit to relatives. Mrs. Carl Miller. of Dwight, With her children, Is visiting her lathes, Mr. nolomon liainsfurther.

'Mrs. Wm. T. Collins and son James, of Chicago, are visiting Mrs, Cueseldthe and Mrs. Lathrop.

0 I Miss Hattie Waters, of Sri Louis, who has been visiting among friends here, returned home Wednesday. --Misses Carrie Campbell and Lucy Gordon, of Lynnville, spent Tuesday as guests of Miss Bessie perry. D. P. hi.

MOUNT CARMEL. Miss Emma Burrucker is spending the summer at Mich. A. --Miss Laura Hawley has gone to Lebanon. to spend the summer.

Mrs. N. I. Walls is making a protracted visit with relatives in IA Miss Minnie Watkins is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.

C. Bierhaus, in Vincennes- ll 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Kirk patriCk and daughter.

of Edwardsville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss Helen Schrsder, who has been visiting the Misses Bertelmanu, has returned to her home in Evansville. Mr. and Mrs.

W. E. Trippeer have returned from their wedding tour, and wild take up their dance in this city. -'-Mrs. J.

N. Johnson is isiting in VVinterset. to. Miss Williams visited. Cermi friends F.

1 4 Miss Alice Chaney returned to her home in BeBe Rive 'ruesday. 1 I Mrs. Combs and are visiting in Mount Vernon. --Misses Lena Powell 'and Carrie Blades-visited in mount Vernon Sunday. 1 Mrs.

H. Wilson and daughter Carrie are visit be friends in Cincinnati. 1: Mollie Downing. of Mount Vernon. wad the guest of Mrs.

b. M. Blades the first of the week. 4-Mrs. M.

Schoeman went to Nashville Nionday to be present at the wedding of Miss btella Marx to Mr. klauninatiner. of Hannibal. itio.1 A A LTA MONT. 1 I Miss Lilly Kramer spent Monday in Effingham.

Mrs. G. W. Schillinivis sojourning with relatives in Vaudalia. MissJessie Corson, of Effingham.

visited friends here a iew days ago. Mrs. Martha Loy. of spent several days of this week with Airs. O.

Bailie. Mrs. H. li. Drown was the guest of her daughter.

Mrs. Oliver Taylor. during the vast week. Mrs. Huth Schlaitenhauf and Mrs.

Miry Drell visited in lo Arius this week, th guests of Airs. W. it Rogers. 1 and Mrs. C.

M. Wright at teitiledi the com enceent exercises ot the ox tri eine college. in Oxford. last week. Miss Lotta M.

Wright grad uSted in the musical course at the Oxford Female, College last baturiday, and. will return to her home her in a feW days. 1 Illid.s lioo. 1 Mrs. Chas, O.

Brown is sojourning at Columbus, Kan. Mrs. B. A.Siondticks was the guest of larval relatives last week. I 31re.

J. W. Griswold was the guest of Litchfield relatives last week. 1 Mrs. T.

J. Whitten. of Nokomis, was the guess of Hillsboro friends last week. 1 Iirs. Joseph Buchanais.of.Deratur, after a pleas Mr.

and mra. W. 1). left on a summer trip to seashore re.orts ou luesday. Judge and Mrs.

J. T. Herrick leave next week for Chicago for au extended visit with relatives. Miss MI11611111 left on Wednesday afternoon for her home in Pueblo. expecting to remain.

Mrs. J. T. Sandens and daughter'. Miss Maud have been asending a bow days wish Winfield friends.

Mrs. H. L. Jones, of Anthony. and Miss Janette Jones, of Conway.

have been visiting Mr. and klre. Willis Yalta. Min Fannie O'Neal. who has been making a ets It with Miss Hattie Robinson.

returned to her home in ILlowa Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. W.

Brown. who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H.

titimore. return Shia week to their home in Vandal a. lit. The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church gay very pleasant lawn social on the grounds of Mr.

and Airs. Harry Leper Wednesday evening. ZKPORIA. Miss Myrt a Wicks, of Abilene. is visiting Miss Ella Platt.

4-m1ss Kate Smith, Of is Visiting Miss Maude Mason. 44-Miss Lydia licks, of El Dorado, is visiting Miss Jessie Conner. Miss Jessie Small, of Topeka, li the guest of A. G. Larldn's family.

I Mrs. Howard Dunlap has returned- from a few days' visit at Peabody. -Mrs. M. C.

Goddard entertained Mrs. L. A. Rill. of Americus.

last week. Miss Lou Nichols is entertaining Miss Jennie Patterson. of Hamilton. --Miss Mamie Caldwell. of Wichita, was the guest of Miss Mary Wright last week.

1 Alaam. mgt vy sxu labb -Mrs. S. C. Slack.

of Los Angeles. Is a guest other mother, Mrs. M. A. Slack.

I i-Mrs. Edwin Fowler left yesterday for Gouverneur, N. to spend the summer. ileorge Mays, of Blue Rapids, lo the gliest of her sister. Mrs.

J. M. McCown. W. D.

Bird has gone to Philadelphia to spend the summer with her parents. --Miss Bertha Collins is entertaining the Misses Emma and Maggie Taylor, of Belleville. i t-The Misses Maude Cunningham anti Culver have returned home from Baidwiu City. -Mrs. W.

S. Pickeir; and Miss Wakefield. of Kureka, are guests ot the family of James Boxie. Jones. of Holton.

wlito has been spending a few days with her sister Lillie. has returned home. 1 J. W. Kenney, of St.

Joseph, who has been the guest of her son rank for a few weeks, has returned home. I. D. Fox has gone on a visit to relatives in New York was accompanied by her mother, Airs. Trask.

I -Miss Maud Bomberger, after a week's Visit with her sister. Mrs. Cuff Burge, has returned to her home th (Innate, I-Mrs. J. F.

Drake and daughter. Miss Mamie, attended the wedding of Miss Annie bmith. at Burlington. last week, Me groom being J. H.

McBride. I TOPEKA. i -Mrs. A. M.

Fuller is in Boston. r-Mr. and Mrs. Keizer are In PhiladelPhia. Miss Carrie Holdridge has gone to Chillicothe, Mo.

and Mrs. W. P. Thomps9n are In Colorado for the summer. -Miss Clara Kobbins visited friends in Kansas City during the week.

4-M iss Emma spent the week with friends in Ottawa. 1 1 menus in ottawa. IMr. G. Moses, of Great Bend.

is on a visit to Mrs. Ihos. IL Emu. L-Miss Mae Critchtield. of Oskaloosa.

is the guest of Miss Arlie Ewan. 1--Mrs. S. B. Bradford is entertaining Miss Ella Brown, of Osage city.

IMiss Gertrude Jenkins, of Columbus. is the guest of bliss Peffer. Mi ss Rolla Mullen. of Oskaloosa. is the guest of friends on the Nona side.

1 --Mrs. J. T. Williams will sp6nd the summer at' Green Mountain Fails. Colo.

Miss Ella Mansell. of Standing Stone. Is the guest of Mrs. A. W.

Lacy. Dora Challhis and Amy Otis. of Atchison. were visors this week. lMr.

and Sebastian ire ou a trip to Bea Francisco and other Coast points. 1--Miss Dove Mitchell, of Emporia, Is spending the summer with Mrs. L. B. Kellogg and Mrs.

L. M. Crawford have gone to New York, to be absent several weeks. 1 of El Dorado, spent the week with her sister, Mrs. C.

J. Kendall. 1 and Mrs. E. Lewis.

of Kansas City. have beea visiting Mr. and airs. J. L.

King, 1 Mr. and Mrs: Robert Pierce and Mrs. G. Robbins were this week, of Mrs. W.

E. Otis. in Kansas City. Mrs. Geo: A.

Roffman gave a reception Thursday evening last in honor of Mrs. IS. A. S. George-Among those who participated were Judge and Mrs.

A. 13. Quinton. Mrs. (blister.

Miss Blanchard, Mrs. b. C. 101., Mr. and Mrs.

D. A. Clements. Mr. and Mrs.

M. C. Thronp, Mr.a,ui Mrs. Ames. Mrs.

A. it. Luse, Miss Hoffman and Miss Lila Venable. FORT scow. Mrs.

S. C. Goodiander is home from Girard. 1 -1-Mrs. EU Kearns entertained friends Monday evening.

Miss Bessie Randolph has friends visiting with her from -4-Miss Ida Hammis Is in the city, the guest of hey znany friends here. 1 Lillie Mackay Is visiting the family of R. W. Waite. of Emporia.

U. 01 r.mporia. Sadle.Whitley, of Emporia, wag entertained by Miss Ethyl Rice Monday. -Mrs. Brumont Smith is visiting her sister, Mrs.

Edward Lee Hall, of Wichita. Goodsell' mother, Mrs. Woodrow, ie spending a few weeks with her. L. 11.

Coon left the city Thursday for Buffalo. where she will Vibt; friends. -I-Mrs. J. was delightfully surprised.

number of her friends Tuesday evening. E. E. Goodlander has returned after spending two weeks with her parents at Paola. Kan.

Mrs. Ii. H. Lambe enterUlned a number of her lady friends. from 340 5, at a luncheon Wednesday.

Laura Riefsleider and daughter May, of Joplin, are guests of A. W. Hillwell and family. 4-tirs. Charles Ware left Sunday for 'Massachusetts.

whor* she will remain till September visiting her Parents. Chas. Howe has returned home from Atchison. after a two weeks absence spent with relatives in that city. 1 H.

Rumbeau pleasantly entertained a large party of her friends at a 6 o'clock tea Wednesday eventng. John tockwood is home from Chicago. Where she has been the past month with her tlaugh'ter, Mrs. Gillillan. 1-The ladies of the M.

E. Church entertained their many friends at a daisy social" at the residence of Mrs. Dore Thursday evening. 1 Gertrude Weaver, who has been the guest of Mrs. W.

H. Dilinde for the past two weeks, has returned to her home at Lawrence. i-Mrs. Tiernan entertained a number of ladies atlunch from I to 3 o'clock Thursday; also a -large number of ladles air gentlemen at a 6 o'clock tea. I I i ATO ISON.

Carrie Sterner is in Kansas City. les Dr. Johnson is home from St Louis. 4-Miss Bertha Styles is visiting in Kansas City. l-Miss ilia King has returned from a visit in Mit 1 J-Miss Carrie Sharrard is visiting friends in Nebraska.

1 4--Miss Ingalls la visiting friends in El Do- rade. Kan i-Niiss Tortat has gone to Denver to spend the sumin r. 7 1-Miss Boston, is the guest of Mrs. J. T.

Ailens orth. 1 1 k-Miss attle f.Towcomb has gone to Des Moines. to spend a few weeks. 1 lila Ballentine has returned home after an absence of a Year in New York. I Frank Howard gave a musicale Wednesday afternoon to a large company of ladies.

'-The Friday Afternoon Club was entertained by Miss Lydia Stockwell with a '--Mr. and Mrs. Fox, of Bridgeway, are vie-fling at the residence of their son, J. C. Fox.

1--Mr. awl Mrs. John Messick, of Shelbyville, have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. K.

S. Winterrowd. 1 1 I. 1-Dr. Ryder.

of Topeka. and Miss Minnie Walcott of this city, were married Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at Trinity Church. They were attended by pr- Kellogg and Miss Helen i 1 i i 1 Arkansas. HOT SPRINGS. I I I 1 ROT SPRINGS.

I Miss Rena Kirk Is home from I 1 E. F. Klein nas returned from Topeka.Kan. i I I 1 1 Castoria. 1 Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recominend it assuperior toauy prescription known to me." 1 H.

A. Attemen, M. So. Orford Brooklyn, S. Y.

's Our physicians in- the children's department have spoken -highly of their exPeli ence In their outside practice Iwth Castoria, and although we only have iunong ous medical supplies what is known. as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has Won us to look with favor upon it." I 1 110t1PrrAL ANli DISPKNTSARY, Boston, Mass. C. Stunt, array Street, New York City. Washington, D.

where -she has been attenchns school. A party of Terre Mute people went over Thursday to attend the Indianapolis ltirtuess. Miss Elise flud.lni gave' a tea party for her guest, Miss Helen M. New Misses Elise lituts'on and Helen 8age, go Monday to attend the Hon ot-linight wedding at Brazil. Mr.

and Mrs. Cuarles P. Putnam go to' Brazil, Wednesday, to attend the wedding. Tire popular verdfct seems to be that Nicholson's Lion Id Bread fully meets the demand for an absolutely pure Wait extract. Have you tried Grocers and drUgglate keep It.

Direct Following is a list of direct imports 1 ed the St. Custom, Hausa during the week ending June 14, I Mette Kanne. 10 octaves gtn, from Rotterdam. liopkins-W eller Drug Company. 2 cases brushes.

from Hanley-Kinsella C. and S. CbmPany. 250 bags ginger, from Liverpool. Simmons Hardware Company, 2 cases hardware.

from Havre. i schotteu 100 bags ginger, from Liver- I pool. A. Prack. 4 casks wine.

Iroin Retterdam. A. Precis. 25 cases wine, trent Rotterdalut I I 1V A. bEicklleY 8 eases cigars.

trourtlavana B. Herder. 3 cases church- goods, from hotter. darn. J.

C. Somerville. 1 case phoro lenses. from Havre. 1 ereasus wine.

from Rotterdam. F. H. Rice 3 Cabes ellgar. from A.

J.Jordaii cases cutlery, from Waters-Pieree Oil boxes tiu Mates. from LiVerpOut. Hort Frerichs-C. Company.3 cases' Bremen. Sitionous Hardware 10 casos guns and 1 case of tools, from Liverpool.

Meyer Bros. Drnit eases face powder. I from London. N. K.

Fairtiank Co.r1S6 drums caustic soda. from Liverpool. Chas. W. 100 drum li caustic soda, from Liverpool.

Samuel C. Dasis ceps handkerchiefs. from Liverpool. Wittemann. Rost 15 casks weiss beer.

troll I Hamburg. Henry Bromschwig 1 case baircleth. fro l. Liverpoo. Hein.

12 cases merchandise. from Hamburg. it. Iuc1iteruianit i case fancy goons, liom Br James Beakey Stove COmnanY. .560 box-es ti plates.

from-Liverpool. A. Geisel, 300 boxes tin plates, from Liverpool. Standard stamping Companyr0 0.5illtoxes tin plates from Liverpool. J.

Lemp ,250. bags -rice Iou, Bris Men. E. F. W.

Meier. 27 crates earthenware rom erpool. H. A. Wells orates: earthet are.

from Liverpool. ayior Manufacturing Company, 11 cases'eigars, from Havana. William Schotteti 100 bags Amsterdam: G. Cramer I. 2 casks wine.

front Bremen. Fred Schultz Co. 15-- casks bottles. from Bre, men. Housekeepers ShOuid carefully note- the.great bargains in spoon and fork ware offered on our eleventh page by the INIermoR JacCartl Jewelry COriaer BROADWAY AND Locusr.

Breech-Loading Flint Lock. Mr. J. C. of the Pacidock-Hawley Iron has In his posseSsion an old gun of a very peculiar make.

It Is in appearance and generaL mechanism flint-lock musket, but-the Interesting feature Is that It Is a cartridges just as do guns or modern A silver plate set In the breech has this inscription; By Resolution of Congress, PresentPd re GUSTAVUS BIRD I For his Gallantry at the Siege of Plattsburgh- On a smaller snlehl-shaped plate If this Inscription: I G. A. B. Sept. 11.

1:14. i 1 Gustavus A. Vird was, thh grandfather ol Mr. J. C.

Bird. 'There Is no lettering oa the gun to showwhere. when or by whom It- was made, and It Is pronabiy the only breech. loading, flint-lock musket- existence. It i was suggssted by a gentienlan to whom 1 was shown tout Mils breech-loaling feature device might have been added to the gum re- cently but Mr.

Ilird far as ne kad-ws, the gua Is aust as It cattle from the maker. To those look-Mei for a delightful and health-giving tabie beverage. we recommend Nicholsoa's Liquid tiread. Paysiciaas la-. dorse it.

Give it a trial Druggists awl grocers keep It. Burial- Permits. 1 65, 1325 street-pio41 1 Frank Vichnevsky, 6 months.1517 North Fifteenth lu- 0-11. t-hs. 620 Ma.

rio- in- etreesmaJ, rasmus. i Harriet A. Brrch, 80.2,117 Waffiut 1 Jasmine kl. Smith. 2 qaya3G07Eastoo avenue-tua4 'ninon.

4 1' 1, I Paul E. A. Hens 4 inenthei 1319 Russell arenuel, deutitia. George II. Palk, 1 month, 1236 Tenni 'street-bronchitis.

Ethel V. hock hart, 27 days. 1236 North Tenth etreet-couvulsiolha. 1 iris Madeline Hamlet, 10 North Four4 teenth street-delnlity. 1 Gest Van Honzelon.

4 7913 Minnesota avenue 1-inanition. Wallet Orth, 13; 2637 Rutger street-typhol4 fever. 4 1 SNOW-FLAKE plain or salted, finest crackers ott earth. H. 1 1 I CO.

I Boat Excursion' To-NI 11 Grand eYnnoejupOnuygua elt auy te s'd. 41 le river. wievi-esi Irt -steamer a beor boat will COI) at Jafferson B.trracks to-take the army officers. The bbati w111 leave the root of Vine street at 4 n. Ilex- ets can be secured at Banner It itirebok's.

Great 'Bargains. 1 Those bop's knee-pant sultal reduced trom i2 to $8, at Huai parer. to-1 'Ad111. 1 Castoria. I "Castoria is an excellent medicine for children.

Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. C. scoots, Lowell, Mass. Castor's is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider thereat Interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the variousquack nostrums which are -destroying their loved ones, by forcing Opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves, I 1 F.

KOTCHIL014 Ark. The Centaur Company, Ti 'I I E. L. Fletcher, has returned to her home In Little 1 Mrs. Ed Shelby has retuilned to her home in Fort suattu I 1 1 Miss Ploy Patton has 'returned from a lengthy Visit to Russellville.

I 'Mrs'. who has been viiiting Miss Belle King, has returned to her home in Little Rock. IT. Gunter and her daughter. Miss Genie will spend the summer at Trinidad, Colo.

il I i l'oliT SMITH. DV.Hirard and wife have gone to Winslow on a Vail. I I Mrs. Frank Morgan is visiting fed lis at Muskogee, I. T.

Mr.I and Mrs. Martin Titeurer, are visiting in Irina. T. Mrs. Geo.

H. Sims haa returned from a visit to Little Rock. 1Miss Covinne Sherlock has returned home front a vi to Mrs. Sandels and daughter, Miss Kate, are visit- In atWinslow. Aliss Anna Hutchinson has gone on a visit to Itiount Carmel, III.

I i 4-4Miss Fannie Kelliant, of Charleston, returned home Tuesday. I M. C. Fuzaell, of Gainesville, is visiting relatives in the city. i --Col.

T. P. Winchester and family have returned trent a few days' visit to kancaster. i Miss A. L.

Williams left Saturday for Lawrence, where she will spend the 1 Frank Aydeiett left during the Alabama, where she will spend the summer. W. Mrs. D. Dobbs and Mrs.

Rutherford gone so Winslow to spend the I Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Tyler.

of Warrensburg, Mo. are visiting Airs. Tyler's parents, Mr. and Airs. 1...

Cruse. I NI H. C. Smith and family; who have been visiting Gen. Williamson, have returned to Wash ington City.

1 i 1 ILOIRSKA SPRINGS. a Bourke. of Marion County. is visiting In this citY. i tire.

Singleton, of Fredonia. is In the CRY for the summer. Frank Champlin is visiting relatives in Washburn, Mo. i --J. C.

Stevens and family. of Decatur, ire the guests of Mrs. bandercook. I --airs. Treadville.

of Pine Bluff, Is here.the guest of B. Williams and family. Mrs. G. W.

Ray is visiting her daughter in Dallas. andwill be absent a month. Mrs. Wise and Mrs. Dr.

Elory, of La Grange, are stopping for the summer in this city witn friands, 1 -4-31rs. C. T. Burlaney, Mrs. H.

C. Dunn and Mrs. Thatcher. of Dallas. are tile guests of friends In this city.

1 1 7 Etta Chenewyth, of Independence, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Aire. G. ii.Smeizer. i Mattis King and Miss 011ie Green.

two handsome young ladies of Harrison. visited friends in this city Wednesday. '-Mrs. B. G.

Maynard, of Fayetteville, 'accompanied by Miss Lou Walker. belle of that city, spent iv few days this week visiting friends here. i i and Miss Montgomery and Miss Mettle York entertained a number of visitors at the Montgomery parlors Wednesday evening. Among those present were Miss Lep. Miss Daisy Chile44, Miss Lou Air.

awl Airs. Brim and the, Dale. family. I 1 I I i Indiana. 1 I ZVANsVILL.E.

i Edinger Is kusticating near Wadesville. I I I i I -1-A1. 1 and Mrs. George L. Tonan are visiting In Sri, Louis.

1 I 4-M1ss Anna Aaler is sojourning with relatives in New Harmony. 1 Clara Levi. of Terre Haute, is the guest of her brother. lit. M.

Levi. Miss Grade Hatch and Miss Julia Dunk are visiting friends at Fort Branch. 1 1 Katie Stockwell will leave in a few days to Visit friethis at hock Island, Ili. 1 and Mrs. George N.

Wells are home from a Visit with friends in Paducah, liy. I gists wan menus in raducan, Ky. 4-Mrs. E. B.

11organ is spending a few days with Mrs. C. Crawford in Terre Haute. E. H.

Reedr, of ColumbuS. 0.Is the guest of, the family-of Mr. IL T. Bennett. Curren A.

tie Bruler and wile are home Amin a visit with friends in Boonville. Sarah Wartnann is home from a delightful sojourn with friends in Henderson. Ky. -Miss Parthenia Rose is spending a few weeks with Miss Stella Curtis in Mount Vernon. -Miss Helen Hoelscher is entertaining her friend, Miss Martha Alunike.

of Atilwaultee. IV's. -Mrs. Mary Watt. of Buckskin, is spetidir a or so with her sister.

Miss bUsan Mills. '--Hon. John Nugent and wife left the early part of the week for an extended tour through the Northwest. Sadie Hollingsworth is expected home next week from Lapilli at Auburutiatii; Mass. -Miss Mande Hollingsworth his returned from Cincinnati.

where sae has been pursuing her ars -Mr. land W. O. Hargrov. a of Potorsbutfg.

have returned home after a snort visit with various friends. Susan Nelson is home froni Washington, D. where $he has been attending Miss bottlers' Seminary. J. H.

Buckler and bride. of Louisville. are being entertained by the family of Mr. klarry s-Mrs. E.E.

Shannon. of Kansas City. is expected In a low days to visit her parents. Mr. anti Airs.

Al. Booth. i and Mrs. Henry Barry. of MetInnis.

are being entertained by the family of Dr. L. W. erotism. W.

D. Crammond and children. of Hawes. ville, spending a week or so witil the lanuiy ot Mr. 4.

C. Wade. -Misses Lizzie and Sarah Dalian). of Henderson. have returned home alter a delightful stay with Use Katie stockwell.

and Airs's. Sam Haas celebrated the first anniversary of their marriage. at their home ou Upper Sixth street. last Friday evening. Kittle Moore.

of Boonville, and Miss Lena ottuniwa, are being entertained by the family of Mr. Charles aterbacuer. delightf it entertainment was given Tuesday evening by teete in honor of her guests. Air. and Mrs.

Jolla Beekler. of Louisville. Ky. 1 'mink HAUTIC. Alice Warren sails the 26th for Europe.

Henrietta Allen is spending the week in Rockville. Lewis Warren, of Florida. is visiting Mrs. W. B.

Warred. -Miss Helen Sage goes to Brazil to visit Miss Clint Richardson, Monday. E. H. BintLey entertained WednesdaY the Afternoon Card, Chat.

I- A-Airs. Dr. tioodhue. of Daythn, (L. Is visiting her mother.

Mrs. J4 E. Kendal. i I-Miss Lucy Fry. of Crawfordsville.

is' viSiting her sister. Mrs. Delay lioudinot. I. t-Judge and Mrs.

J. N. Pierce go. Wednesday to to, the kioupt-Knight wedding. t-Miss Isabel has returned home from the classical school-in Indianapolis.

t-Miss Etta Strong has returned from Cincinnati, where she has been attending school. 4-Mrs. B. F. 'Havens and Miss Jessie.

have gone to Frauk4ort. to visit. 4 Mis Rose Farrington returns next week Un-' I i I c-Mrs. C. W.

Pillar, of Arcola, is Mrai Samuel Walker, of this city. -Miss Hessie Crittenden wilt leave Monday for Sullivan ou an extended visit. -Mrs, J. MI Ahrenin, of Staunton, is the guest tif her J. C.

Ahrens. --31r. and Mrs. Gee. W.

Mechler have returned, from a sojourn ate Birmingham. Tex. 1 John C. Evetisman and Mrs. Emma Gibbons have returned from a ylsit to Cairo and buquoin.

-SliseGussie McCoy. of Decatur. is the guest of' Sasses Carrie and Laura S. CI Sectiou street. 1 -Mr.

Lawrence Nolte and bride arrived here as night. They were married in Cincinnati. -Mrs. Eva Bacon and sister. Miss Matte OaKley: of Newark.

N. are visiting their parents. Mr, and Mrs. K. I.

Oakley. this city. '-Misses Susie and Katie Alsoo entertained a num. tier of friends in a pleasant manner a few evenings ago at tee residence of their parents. -Hon.

and sirs. Bduson Wood have returned from 'Plattville. Wis. where they attended the wedding of their thee ili mi ss 'sle Guernsey. 1 .1 I CARDW.TON.

I It 1 -Mrs. C. lyiV elmer is visiting in I-Sirs. Tiles. Sertipy has returned from Cuba, 310 -Miss Louise Wilgus, of White is the guest of Sl ies Louise Pierson.

-Mrs. John Kaser home from a' week's visit with friends in Springfield. t. J. W.

English, of Jacksonville, li spending a week here with her daughter, Mrs. E. D. -Stephen D. Bennett and Miss Ada Carter.

of Pearl. were married here last Saturday, by Elder A. Berry. 1 -John R. Johnson and Miss Elizabeth A.

Cum-' mines, of iscottville, were married here Wednesday. by Swims A. -Lewis White. of High street. and Miss Lizzie Haydn, of lielltowm were married here Wednesday morning, by Squire J.

B. Nation. -The annual meeting and banquet of the Carroll-, ton High School Alumni Association was held In Pierson's Opera House, on Tuesday evening. It was the best meeting yet il are out announcing the approaching marriage or Mr. James INIcNabb.

editor of the Gazette, and Miss Louise. -daughter of Hon. Ornan Pierson and wile. I he ceremony will take place at Trinity Episcopal Church. at 'I Lid a.m..

Wednesday 26. 1 1 i BLoostINGTori. 1 W. A. Gerken is at Kenosha, Wis.

-Mrs. Holmes is visiting in Louis. iii Altman Is visitieg in Lafayette. Ind. -M ra.

D. W. Jacoby, of MAI ene, is here. -Miss Mary Barrett. of Lincoln, is visiting Miss Mande Fell.

1 1 1 -Sirs. R.W. Coates is entertaining Mrs. J. Horne, of blattoon.

i 1, 1 C. IL Gaithert. 9f Chicago. Is the guest of A. S.

Eddy returned Wednesday irons i visit to Davenportto. J. A. Bowen is entertaining Miss Jesuit, Miller, of Jamestown, Mak. Sallie and Alice Hatpole returned briWednesday from a visit in Indiana.

-Mrs. B. D. Lucas Visited in Springfield the past week, the guest of Mrs. Gov.

Fifer. -Mr. and Mrs. 'stoic J. SiOnier and daughter Lure, of Huron.

Dak.i are visiting here. Alice and Hortense Leffingwell. of are guests of Miss Nellie 'Ewing. 1 icitARLEYots. -Slits Nora Rice Is attending school at Dixon.

i -Miss Fanny Mob is visiting friends in St.Joseph, Mo. 1 1 -Sirs. Lizzie H. is visiting her son Orin at Tuscola. 1 I i -Mrs.

J. R. of avmour, Is here Visiting her son. Mrs. Leroy Wilson is viiiting her mother at O.

I -Miss Bess Livingston. of Martinsville. is visiting Miss Myra Edinan.1, -Miss Carrie Tremble Is spending the week with relatives at Hicnmond. Ind. -Mrs.

H. Y. Van of Indianapolis, Is the guess this week of her father-in-la, Theoph Van Derail. 1 1 i' -Mrs. Harry Wright has returned from Hot Springs.

where she haa been spending the past few weeas. 1 i -II rs.Sol SI eyer gave a charming reception day afternooe ill honor Of Eliza Hitchco*ck and her daughter. Miss Stella. who are visiting in the city. 4 I I FAIRFIELD.

I -Miss The Sibley on Tuesday left for Racine, 0,, where she wilt visit relatives. -Miss Clara Holmes last weeK returned from-au extended visit with friends at Nokomis. I Lutie Foyle Is on a week's' visit with her friend. Miss Olite Peyton, at Princeton, Intl. -Miss Gerrie Storey.

of Heyworth. is spending a week in 1-airfield as the guest of Miss Kate. Young-ken. -Mrs. Amelia Norris and Mrs.

filbert Brach have returned from a pleasant visit of three weeks at Chicago. I -Mrs. Cord's Hougiand and Mist Ida Niblack.rof Rockport. are this week guests of the family el Isr. T.

M. -Miss Myrtle MeElroy. a teacher in Hayward College during the past winter. left for her home at Racine. the first of the week.

-Miss Edith Goldstein. of Shelbyville, Who spent a Week in I Fairdeld as the guest of Miss Chloe tieorge, returned to her home Thurpciay. 4 -Cards are out announcing the approaching marriage ot Miss Sloille Porterfield and Mr. Ilan Powell, of shawiteetown. which' event will take place at the home of the bride's parents at 8:30 o'clock on the 19th inst.

i i i 4 HIGHLAND. -Sirs. Marti is among friends in St. Louis. -Mrs.

L. Ernst returned Tuesday from Fulton. Mo. -Mrs. J.

Bardill, of St. Louis, is visiting relatives In this city. Beget. of Greenville, is the guest of J. Williams.

Rosa Leutwiller is sojourning among friehms In Cerro litou, Mo. -Miss Emma Long, of Collinsville. visited-friends. in this city this woes- 1 -Mrs. E.

Chipron will entertain the Dorcas Saturday. June afternoon. -Mn. E. Kinn attended the rraduating exercises of the Manual School in bt.

Louis )esterday. Miss Tillie Schmidt. of Mansfield. O. returned home.

after visiting among friends and relatives. acgouipanied by Mee Linda Koch. 1 rilicgfirt VILLE. --The Reading Circle suet with Mn. Friend Smith Thursday altereoom Mrs.

C. M. Criesmar is spending a few days with relatives iu Kansas City. Miss Anna t' is sojourning with her grandfather s' Denmark. Miss Jennie Roe is visiting her sister, Mn.

Hi. Maabherg, at coulierviiie. Mrs. D. I.

Darrough. of St. Louis, is spending the weet.s with Airs. deft F. King.

Mrs. Jennie haves, of buquoin. Is visiting with the fatuity of her brother, E. C. Mrs.

J. L. Murphy save a party Tuesday evening In honor of Mrs. Liiiie Hyman. of Cairo, wbo is tier guest.

gue.t. Z. --Misses Stella and 3.1ollie Duckworth entertained a select piny of young People at their home last NV minesday evening. a Mrs. J.

Derr is entertaining Miss Ida Clark. of Mrs A. Tompkins. of New Berlin is her. the guest of reiativea.

I Miss Emma Harvey. of White Hall, spent Sunday bore among friends. Miss Anna Wade is sofourning in Whit. Ha 1 with Mrs. V.

A. Wereeeter. Mrs. L. P.

Allen spent Thursday in Car Hain Luther with rs. Luer Lynn. 11 Miss Clara emperor. of RoodhoUse. point Sunday hero with Airs.

Day. 1 1 I Miss June Geary. of White Ilsili is bee. Abe guest of her cousin, Miss Fannie Allen. Miss Rose Lecos and the Illisses Minn 'and Julia Edwards are in Bloomington among friends.

Miss itose Mary Conroy. who has been here villainy her aunt, Mrs. J. Alaildiin.has returned to her home in tit. Lotus.

TATLORVILL2. Mrs. CIA. Parish visited in Carlinville the past week. Mrs.

a. Fekete, of East St. Louis. was lit town Tuesday. Dora Kiln's', of Sullivan, and Mrs.

Ages Miss Grace Rector has returned from Lawrence. Kan. 1 I Ails' Onita Baxter is visiting in Germantown TenMrs. J. P.

Me Hard Is entertaining Miss Reynolds, n. 1 of Memphis. Dr. and Mrs. G.

C. Greenway left for Huntsville. Ala. Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Gaines are at Harbor Point Fannie Fry has returned from a visit at for the, summer. Lake All Ch ies, icot County. I Miss Aland Hixson. of Ashland. Is the guest 0 1Mrs.

Alary Hobson has returned to Little Rock after Ni lysiss i4ollrig Mrs. N. lix 0. nb. tit* returned to Vienna.

Ill. her aunt, Mrs. 'Mown. of this city. 1 Mrs.

L. Drukker. of St. Louls4 is 'the guest 0 her son. Mr.

S. Drukker. of this city. after a visit to Mrs. J.

J. Walker. '--M iss Hattie Ward. a lateguest of .7, E. A Senater and Mrs.

J. K. Jones have returned tO pleby, has returned to Howard. their home at Washington. Hempstead County.

1 Dr. and Mrs. Guthrie, of Bloomington, ar Cot. I. Zeb Ward anct wife and Airs.

R. S. Cromp, the guests of Mr. anti Mrs. R.

E. Guthrie. ton. Of Little Rock. visited in the city last week.

1 Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Smith. of Colwich, are via Mrs. J.

D. Kimball and Alisses Jessie Knox mid iting Mr. and ildrs. Siliith, ou Waco avenue. Corinne Klinball have returned from Little Rock.

1 Mr. and Airs. J. P. Campbell are, entertaiain Miss Lorne Eplistein returns to Boonville, M.

Mr. and Airs. J. .13, Williams. of Tyrone.

Pa. next week, accombauled by her sister, Mrs. Ad. A. Miss Bessie Ryder has returned home fro Eisele.

1 i Jacksonville. where she spent thei winter. 1 The annual exercises of St. Mary's Academy Air. and Mrs.

Robert K. Woods. Of St Lonisi occur on the 21st instant. Five young ladies will have arrived in the city. and will reside here I grades te 1 future.

The Philharmonics gave a concert at the Opera Miss L. Guentz, of Belleville. 111.. Who Rouse Mondity he proceeds otug to the Jonas- has bee own 4 Staying with her aunt, Mrs. G.

M. Gallant, has 6 sufferers turned home. 1 I I 1 1Mrs. Geo. Mellersh and Miss Georgie Mellersh returned last week to Dallas Tex.

alter visiting Little Tarlton. daughter of Mrs. Willie Mrs. G. W.

axter. 1 'Mathewson. is at home. after a tw years' aosence i Louisville. Ky.

I A large nomber of society devoteee will go to A I Gillen's 'A ednesday evening to Participate Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Field. who nave been stay I lug in this city, the guests of Miss 8. E.

reema hop for the beeent of the Conemaugh Valley nave returned to their home in Angola. Ind. The young men of Hot Springs gave shop at the WICILLINOTON I 'Waverly Friday evening. complimentary to Misses I Airs. Stevens Crane is at Topeka for a visit Louise and Nellie Connelly.

who leave this week for several weeks. 1 Germantown. Tenn. 1 garirrrxVILLX. T-Miss Fannie Thorpe is the guest of Mn.

Ord Why. at Winfield. I lc Mn. Radabough has been visiting in St. Louis.

I. Mrs. Leg Hitchco*ck is visiting relatives at --Miss Lila Davis is visiting relatives in Little Cleveiaud, for the summer. i I Rock. mr.

and Mn. C. if, Ellis, of -Kansas City, were Miss lklary who has been visiting Miss Grace Rector has returned from Lawrence. Kan. 1 111ss Dnita Baxter Is visiting in Germantown.

TenMrs. J. P. Mellard Is entertaining Miss Reynoldn. 1 of Memphis.

I Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Greenway left Thursday for Huntsville.

Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaines are at Harbor Point for till, summer. 1 miss Fannie Fry lies returned from a visit Cl Lake Vililige, Chicot County.

Senater and Mrs. J. K. Jones have returned tO their home at Washington. Hempstead County.

1 Col. Zeb Ward and wife and Mrs. R. S. Cromp, ton.

of Little Rock, visited in the city last week. J. D. Kimball and lisses Jessie Knox nag Corinne have returned from Little Bock. Miss Lorne Eppstein returns to next week, accomhanied by her sister, Mrs.

M. A. Libels. The annual exercises of St. Mary's Academy occur on the instant.

Five young ladies will graduate. The Philharmonics gave a concert at the Opera House Monday, the proceeds gotug to the Johns-- town sufferers. Mrs. Geo. Mellersh and Miss Georgie Mellersh returned last week to Dallas, alter visiting Mrs.

(1. )V. Baxter. A large nomber of society devotees will go So Gillen's springs Wednesday evening to Participate in a hop for the benetit -of tbe Conemaugh Valley sufferers. The young men of Rot Springs gave a hop at the 'Waverly Friday evening.

complimentary to Misses Louise and Nellie Connelly. who leave this week tor Germantown. Tenn. FaYirrrkVILLit. Mrs.

Radabough has been visiting In St. --Miss Lila Davis is visiting relatives lit Little Rock. i Miss Ittary Hughes. who, has besn visiting 1 14 i i 1 4 I.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.